Just posting photographs on a website may be interesting to just look at, but it's also helpful to know some information behind those photos and also behind the photographer, when I read other photography blogs I like to know the intentions of different photographers and the ideas behind their work. Therefore I've decided to sit down this evening and type, about my photography choices, from where my passion began and where I hope it to go, so if your interested in reading then grab a coffee and read away.
From being a young girl, I was always snapping away on my mobile phone even when the camera megapixel was as low as you could get, because I loved the idea of capturing moments and holding them and then having the opportunity to look back several years later and reliving those moments. However although I loved taking the photos I never had imaged when I was twelve years old actually wanting to become a photographer, I did however have a great interest in fashion, and once thought I could be a stylist, which didn't actually last too long before I was finishing my GCSE's and having no idea where I wanted to go with my life, until I decided to choose photography as one of my A-Level subjects.
So now on the subject of A-Levels, I choose English literature, Media Studies and Photography, I didn't particularly like all of them when I first started purely because I didn't really want to be studying anymore, but life has to go on and I had to complete two years in college. As I started to learn more and more in photography and my knowledge grew, I started to take a huge interest and then I realised one day how much I loved it and knew this is what I wanted to do for the rest of my life. Bringing my passion for fashion together with my pure love of taking photos and joined them together and knew I had to be a fashion photographer. I think my teachers may of got a little sick of my on going fashion theme but they put up with it because nothing made me more happier than coming to class and planning photo shoots and having a camera in my hand. At the end of my first year in college I got my first set of results and I didn't do too well in photography landing myself a 'D' grade, then I realised how much better I could of done.
My second year in college approached and began, as the weeks went on I thought to myself I don't want to be in college anymore studying I want to be working, out there in the world, so I started looking for jobs and come across a really interesting administration apprenticeship job in the city, which could potentially earn myself a large sum of money as the years went on, got myself an interview, which I didn't attend as I realised, I might get good money but I'm going to hate it and I am going to hate going to work everyday, so I stayed in college and was determined to do extremely well in my photography class. While I'm writing this I haven't yet finished the course, well I kind of have but I haven't got a grade back yet, which will be coming in August, but what ever it is, I won't let it push me down because I know that's what I want to be doing in life.
In terms of what the future holds, I don't know but all I can do is hope that something comes out my choice for taking photography as my future. I've had a lot of knock backs from people telling me it will be a waste of a career with no money and no future, but I believe in myself so I'm not listening to them. Photography is a really tricky career to go for because your not guaranteed a successful place but all you can do and all I can do it try my hardest and what I love best and create the best photos I can. My dream in life would be to become a freelance fashion photographer where I can travel the world and take amazing photos, working with amazing and talented people, but first I hope to find myself places in small or big, (I'm not fussy) photography studio's to gain me some experience and knowledge. I hope if you've read this and your in the same boat as me, you just go for it, I'm not here to judge or persuade you to do anything because you can do that yourself, but all I am saying is if you love it as much as me, you'll try your hardest and make the best decisions.
Thanks for reading my story so far, keep snapping!